Butterflies & Feathers

Board of Directors

Robb Pickens

Tomie Nelson

Trusted Advisor

Shortly after birth, Tomie’s biological mother abandoned her, and she was adopted by her maternal grandmother who raised her as a single parent until she died when Tomie was in high school. Tomie was taken in by her older sister, four years her senior.

Tomie has a BA in General Studies and Criminal Justice. Prior to this achievement, Tomie was in bondage to food for lifer & alcohol for five years before she entered and graduated from treatment.

Tomie was let to serve as a foster parent for adolescent girls who were involved in the juvenile justice system. Later, she parlayed her expertise to work for the Salvation Army, Janis Youth, Harry’s Mother, Volunteer of America’s Youth Diversion Program, and Homeless Addicted Adults.

Tomie has used her own lived life experiences and those gained from years of counseling troubled individuals to develop expertise as a trauma-informed certified recovery mentor for addiction and mental health. Tomie’s last employment was working as a counselor in a hotel homeless shelter for those in addiction, homelessness, and affected by Covid-19.

Tomie has served as a volunteer for a variety of non-profits including being a trusted advisor and all-around service provider for Butterflies & Feathers.

Currently, Tomie is in the process of gaining her official certifications as an addiction counselor as well as her bachelor’s degree in Social Services.